Snickerdoodle Coffee Cake

There are three simple components that make up this epic snickerdoodle cake - the cake, the streusel, and the glaze. All very simple on their own but when you put them all together, you have a truly magical experience.

By Emma Swanston

#recipe #gluten free #dessert #snack #emma swanston

Ayurvedic Medicine and Doshas

Join Em and Rachel Pontillo for a conversation on Ayurvedic medicine and doshas.

Click here for more from Body Awareness Project

#body awareness project

Shoulder & Core Workout

5 rounds for time:
1 minute plank
2 wall walks
15 situps
.25 run or 2 minutes cardio

Click here for more EmPack workouts!

#empack #empack workout #core #shoulder

Hiking Prep 101

Check out this short ebook to learn Kerry's top 5 tips for prepping for Hiking Season. As an avid hiker and Physical therapist, Kerry loves helping others get outdoors.  This ebook takes you through 5 things she ALWAYS addresses with her hikers and outdoor adventurers.

By Kerry McGinn

#deer #deer medicine #kerry mcginn #hiking #hiker

Weight Loss & Body Composition

If you're setting some goals for the new year, listen in as Em & Wade discuss a new perspective on weight loss & body composition changes

#mindset #weight loss #body composition #mental health #goals #new year

It’s ok not to be jolly

Tis the season to be…
Overwhelmed? Sad? Jolly? Excited? Annoyed? Thankful?

There are a lot of emotions swirling around the holidays for many different circumstances. It’s ok! Feelings are meant to be felt. If the holidays suck for you, I’m so sorry.
Be you. Be real. Be hopeful.

I encourage you to take care of your heart and body this season regardless. The holiday hustle is STRESSFUL to the body, even if you love it.
Continue to eat mostly good nutrient dense foods. Hydrate. Move your body. Sleep and rest. Meditate. Pray. Be kind and loving. List what you’re thankful for. Reach out to a friend or counselor if you need to. Remember the true reasons for the season,

Merry Christmas. Happy holidays.

By Michelle Bilinski

#mindset #mental health #poplar and spice

Meathead Hippie: On Hibernation

Listen in as Em talks about hibernation, the work of who you are and who you were, and an honest conversation about who we CAN be.

Click here for more from Meathead Hippie Podcast!

#meathead hippie podcast #ems process

EmPack EMOM Workout

3-5 reps every minute on the minute for 10 minutes:
Push press
Reverse lunge (on each side)
EmPack hop

Click here for more EmPack workouts!

#empack #empack workout

A Love Letter From My Body

Listen in as Em chats with Lauren Geertsen about trusting our bodies and learning to listen to them.

Click here for more from Body Awareness Project

Paleo Collagen Cinnamon Rolls

Need a fun Christmas breakfast? Pair Lexie's cinnamon rolls with eggs & bacon for the perfect start to your day!

Click here for more from Ems unnamed cooking show

#recipe #breakfast #gluten free #dairy free #well from within #emsunnamedcookingshow