Common Push Up Mistakes & Progressions

Are you making these common push up mistakes? Try working on your form using the progressions here!

By Lexie Gray

#strength #strength training #well from within #bodyweight #push ups

Turkish Get Up

This week is TEST WEEK at Platform Strength, and one move we're testing today is the Turkish get up. Watch this video to hear Em explain it and show us how it's done!

#strength #strength training

5 Functional Strength Exercises

What does the word “functional” even mean? Is all strength training functional?All good questions. It could be said that yes, any movements that apply to daily life are considered “functional,” so pretty much the majority of strength training exercises.

Here are the top 5 functional movement patterns: squat, hinge, push, pull, and carry.

By Megan Flanagan

#strength #strength training #megan flanagan

Banded Skull Crushers

April shows us that all you need is a band and a bench to show your triceps some love with this move.

#strength #triceps

Slow Down: Appreciate the Pause

Tempo training is one of the best strategies for your exercise regimen. Increasing your time under tension will help to elevate your abilities, make you stronger, and teach you how to better control the weight on the bar. The basic premise of tempo training is moving with intention, slowly and under control. Repetition tempo refers to the speed with which each rep is performed. You are essentially breaking down the movement into its fundamentals: the eccentric (muscle lengthening), concentric (muscle shortening), and isometric portions, which is the top and bottom portion of your lift and any pauses you might add to help overcome sticking points in that particular move. Manipulating the tempo variable can help you to achieve specific training objectives, such as increased endurance, hypertrophy, strength, and/or power.

Click here to read more!

Happy Lifting,
Jennifer Knutson

#strength #strength training #jennifer knutson


Em and Coach Gary explain why we love this move and how to get more gainz out of your deadlift!

Click here for more GET STRONG 1-0-1 videos!

#strength #strength training #get strong

Landmine T-Bar Rows

April is showing us this row variation is in our FLAGSHIP program on Mondays this cycle!

#flagship #strength #strength training

Hip Mobility & Strength

Tight hips? Try out these moves! Here's a series of flows to help unlock and strengthen your hips. Strong hip flexors and hip mobility will help you to maintain better posture and core stability. It will help you to reverse the effects of sitting, decrease your likelihood of pain and injury, and help to increase your overall athletic performance.

You can adapt these to fit your own range of motion limits and push into your own level of stiffness. When applied slowly and gradually over time, you should feel the hips open up and become stronger.

By Jennifer Knutson

#mobility #hips #hip pain #hip mobility #jennifer knutson

Strength Hacks with Coach George

Join Em and Coach George in a meathead convo to get a little pep in your step about getting STRONG! Learn how to make the most of your time in the gym with strength training hacks from George, covering programming and specific body parts like those hamstrings, triceps, biceps, and quadzzzz.

Click here for more from Meathead Hippie!

#meathead hippie podcast #training #strength

How Strength Helps You Sleep

In this clip from SLEEP STRONG, Lexie explains how strength & sleep are connected!

By Lexie Gray

#strength #sleep #circadian rhythm #well from within