Mental Hurdles in Training

This week Kelly talks about some mental hurdles in running based on some questions she's gotten.

The two main questions she addresses are how to mentally get yourself to keep running instead of stopping and how to deal with the mental hurdle of getting back into a routine when you're no longer at your peak.

By Kelly Lutz

#running #podcast #mindset #training #kelly lutz

The Rundown on Heart Rate Training

You've likely heard of heart rate training, but what zones should you hit for each workout? When should you take it easy versus push the boundaries? This breaks down each heart rate zone for running and other forms of training.

By Megan Flanagan

#running #heart rate #training #megan flanagan

4 Tips for Taper Tantrums

If you're not familiar with this term, the taper tantrums are what many runners use to describe how they feel during tapering - antsy and anxious from lower volume and more rest, itching to do more. Here are 4 tips to survive it:

1. Embrace rest.
When else during training do you have the time to sleep more and take it easy? Resting more than usual can be HARD, but it's allowing your body to recover so you can crush race day.

2. Enjoy the down time.
Training takes up a large chunk of your time each week, and with other responsibilities (work, family, etc), it can be hard to fit it some of your other hobbies or interests. Take advantage of this during taper!

3. Eat well and enough.
I know it's tempting to eat less since you're doing less during taper, especially for those of us who have struggled with food before, but your body needs that extra fuel for recovery. Also keep in mind that you're about to do something big on race day and eat intentionally to fuel for that.

4. Get psyched for your race!!
You're probably feeling anxious about the upcoming race, but now is also a time to get excited! Figure out race day details, get your race day gear and nutrition organized, envision how you're going to do on race day, etc.

By Kelly Lutz 

#running #training #runner #kelly lutz

Air Quality & Training

With air quality concerns of smoke, and ozone in the air, it's worth checking into before deciding whether to run (or train) outdoors. Ask some of these questions to make the choice that is best for you and your health.

Canva by Megan Flanagan

#running #training #runner #megan flanagan

Tips for Fueling & Race Day Strategy

 In this podcast episode, Kelly Lutz talks about how to approach fueling for a long run or race, considerations when choosing fuel and how to create a race day nutrition strategy!

#running #training #runner #kelly lutz